Improve results with Dynamics 365
Learn more about Dynamics in the Mprise Academy
Making smarter use of Dynamics F&O
Start with Dynamics 365 or Power Platform
Mprise cooperates with the following partners:
Mprise and Microsoft are partners since 2004. Microsoft supplies Mprise Dynamics AX and Dynamics NAV. Mprise was the first Microsoft Dynamics training partner in The Netherlands and holds the Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status. The Mprise Indigo Agriware software application is certified by Microsoft as ‘Certified for Microsoft Dynamics NAV’.
Mprise has selected the Invoice Management solution of Blue10, a pragmatic, user-friendly and well-integrated with Dynamics NAV and Dynamics AX solution.
The cooperation of Blue10 and Mprise regarding Invoice Management applies to Dynamics NAV and Dynamics AX. Mprise is an Invoice Management solution reseller. Mprise implements and provides support for Invoice Management.
DynamicsHUB, Microsoft Dynamics community for users and partners. For over 10 years, DynamicsHUB has been the centre of expertise for Microsoft Dynamics AX, NAV and CRM. It is the place to be to keep up to date with the latest Dynamics AX, NAV and CRM developments, to get in touch with Microsoft and other users and partners, to share your experiences and to arrive at new solutions together.
Mprise has selected MobileNAV as the solution for mobile devices. Using MobileNAV, configured mobile devices work both on- and offline (with synchronization with NAV when a connection is available).
The Association of Dynamics Professionals (DynamicsPro) is an independent, not-for-profit membership organization devoted to the global Microsoft Dynamics community of partners, customers and Microsoft. Our mission is to establish and maintain professional competency standards and assessments for the betterment of the entire community. Our vision is that every Dynamics professional recognizes and adheres to the DynamicsPro certification and quality standards for the implementation, support and use of Microsoft Dynamics products.
Indigo Logistics is supporting your logistic processes and activities
Our ISAL logistic platform has been developed for the control and handling of logistic processes and activities. The ISAL framework is the frame for the ISAL platform and provides, among other things, communication with the (SQL) databases and communication with the (web) services. The framework also provides wizards for the purpose of design and configuration, user administration, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) logging and communication with third-party PLCs.
TO-Increase has powerful Software Applications for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations, Microsoft Dynamic AX and Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
To-Increase leverages deep knowledge of the unique needs of business and industries to develop tools that complete your ERP solution. We create potent software and cloud applications that, when integrated with Microsoft Dynamics ERP systems, help your business thrive.
Zoek je een uitdagende ICT baan, terwijl je ook verder zou willen studeren? Dan hebben wij voor jou de ideale oplossing. Een uitdagende ICT baan bij (naam bedrijf) met een salaris én de ruimte om een HBO opleiding te volgen van Hogeschool Utrecht.
Doorgroeien naar HBO+
Je werkt drie dagen in de week en krijgt daarbij ondersteuning van collega’s (praktijkbegeleiders) op de werkvloer. Daarnaast volg je twee dagen in de week de duale HBO-opleiding Software Development van Hogeschool Utrecht. De meest praktijkgerichte opleiding van Nederland die mede wordt vormgegeven door bedrijven die zijn aangesloten bij Stichting Cloud IT Academy (CITA).
Na vier jaar heb je de bacheloropleiding afgerond en mag je jezelf Bachelor of Science (BSc) noemen. Je hebt dan een HBO-diploma in je zak, een rugzak vol praktijkervaring en gewerkt aan je persoonlijke ontwikkeling via coaching on the job en gerichte trainingen van Stichting Cloud IT Academy.
Niet voor iedereen – wel voor jou?
Heb je een MBO opleiding niveau 4 ICT? Dan kun je ook bij ons terecht. Je bent ook welkom als je een MBO 4 afstudeerstage zoekt.
Mprise heeft het predicaat ‘Investor in Young IT Talent’, ontwikkeld door CITA en de brancheverenigingen.
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